Powerline poles near the tracks in East Fraserlands. Listening to Burt Bacharach as I am drawing this...Do You Know The Way to San Jose?Great tune.

Neighbourhood near Commercial Drive.
On a sunny day filling up gas across the street at Chevron. Struck by the great pure geometry of its massing.
Birds on a wire. What else can I say?
BC Place reconstruction along Georgia Viaduct.
Bakery on Commercial.
After weeks of continuous rain and drizzle, a moment of great clearing with St. James Church in the distant view.Inspiring.
This is also near where I work.
This is near where I work.
Walking down Salsbury on my way to lunch.
Red walls along the alley of Commerical Avenue store.
Great perspective lines enhanced by power lines.
Beautiful dark blue sky over Commercial Drive alley.
Saw this wall behind Fujiya as I was picking up some Sushi and Miso. The turquoise wall really got my attention on an otherwise overcast, rainy day in East Van. Long live East Van.